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Workplace Massage: Boosting Productivity and Employee Satisfaction

Workplace Massage: Boosting Productivity and Employee Satisfaction

Chair-MassageIn today’s fast-paced work environments, employee well-being has become a top priority for organizations aiming to create a positive and productive workplace culture. One increasingly popular method to promote workplace wellness is through massage therapy. In this blog post, we will explore how incorporating massage into the workplace can lead to happier, healthier, and more engaged employees.

  1. The Impact of Workplace Stress: Workplace stress is a pervasive issue that can negatively affect employees’ mental and physical well-being. High stress levels lead to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and a higher risk of burnout. By offering massage as a workplace wellness program, employers can provide employees with a valuable stress management tool.
  2. Benefits of Workplace Massage: a. Stress Reduction: Massage helps to alleviate stress by reducing cortisol levels and promoting the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good hormones. Regular massage sessions can help employees manage stress more effectively and maintain a sense of calm and balance throughout the workday. b. Pain Relief: Many employees suffer from musculoskeletal issues and chronic pain due to prolonged sitting, repetitive tasks, or poor posture. Massage therapy can target these specific areas, relieving tension, improving circulation, and reducing pain. c. Improved Focus and Mental Clarity: Massage promotes relaxation and mental clarity, which can enhance cognitive function and concentration. Employees who receive regular massages are more likely to stay focused, make better decisions, and perform at their best. d. Enhanced Mood and Morale: Massage triggers the release of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters associated with happiness and positive mood. By incorporating massage into the workplace, employers can create an atmosphere of well-being, boosting employee morale and job satisfaction.
  3. Different Approaches to Workplace Massage: a. On-Site Chair Massage: Chair massage is a convenient and efficient option for the workplace. It involves a brief, seated massage that focuses on the neck, shoulders, back, arms, and hands. On-site chair massage sessions typically last between 10 to 30 minutes and can be scheduled during breaks or as part of wellness events. b. Wellness Rooms: Creating dedicated wellness rooms within the workplace provides employees with a quiet, comfortable space where they can receive longer massage sessions or engage in relaxation exercises. These rooms can be equipped with massage tables, relaxing music, and essential oils to enhance the overall experience. c. Wellness Programs and Subsidies: Employers can partner with local massage therapists or wellness centers to offer discounted or subsidized massage sessions for employees. By providing financial incentives or flexible schedules to accommodate massage appointments, employers demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being.
  4. Implementing a Workplace Massage Program: a. Management Buy-In: To successfully introduce a workplace massage program, it’s crucial to obtain support from management and stakeholders. Highlight the potential benefits, present case studies, and emphasize the positive impact on employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity. b. Partnering with Professionals: Collaborate with licensed and experienced massage therapists or wellness providers who specialize in workplace programs. Ensure they understand the unique needs of office environments and are capable of delivering quality services. c. Communication and Promotion: Proper communication is key to the success of any workplace wellness initiative. Use various channels, such as emails, newsletters, posters, and intranet platforms, to inform employees about the availability and benefits of the massage program. Highlight success stories and encourage employee feedback to create a buzz and generate interest. d. Evaluation and Feedback: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the program through employee surveys, feedback sessions, and productivity metrics. Adjust the program as needed based on employee preferences and needs.

Massage therapy is a powerful tool for promoting workplace wellness and improving employee satisfaction and productivity. By addressing stress, reducing pain, enhancing focus, and boosting morale, workplace massage programs have the potential to transform the work environment into a healthier, happier, and more efficient space. Employers who invest in the well-being of their employees through massage initiatives demonstrate their commitment to fostering a positive work culture. By incorporating massage into the workplace, organizations can unlock the full potential of their workforce and reap the long-term benefits of a more engaged and productive team.

Massage Therapy: Top 10 Study Skills for Success

Massage Therapy: Top 10 Study Skills for Success

massage-student-study-skills Introduction: Embarking on a journey into the world of massage therapy is an exciting and fulfilling endeavor. As a massage therapy student, you are about to dive into a field that combines science, art, and healing. To make the most of your educational experience and lay a solid foundation for a successful career, it is crucial to develop effective study skills. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 study skills that will help you excel as a massage therapy student.

  1. Establish a Structured Study Routine: Creating a structured study routine is essential to maintain consistency and manage your time effectively. Designate specific study hours each day, eliminate distractions, and create a conducive environment for focused learning. This routine will foster discipline and optimize your ability to retain information.
  2. Set Clear Goals: Clearly define your goals and objectives for each study session. Establishing specific targets, such as mastering a particular technique or memorizing the skeletal system, will give you direction and purpose. Breaking down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks will make your learning process more manageable and motivating.
  3. Utilize Active Learning Techniques: Engage actively with the material to enhance comprehension and retention. Instead of passively reading textbooks, employ active learning techniques such as summarizing information in your own words, teaching concepts to others, participating in group discussions, or creating flashcards for key terms and concepts. These activities encourage deeper understanding and better memory recall.
  4. Develop Note-Taking Skills: Effective note-taking is a fundamental study skill that helps consolidate information and provides a valuable resource for later review. Develop a system that works best for you, whether it’s using handwritten notes, digital apps, or a combination of both. Organize your notes, highlight essential points, and use visual aids like diagrams and mind maps to enhance understanding.
  5. Practice Hands-On Techniques: As a massage therapy student, hands-on practice is integral to mastering the craft. Regularly allocate time to practice various massage techniques, bodywork modalities, and palpation skills. Seek opportunities to practice on willing friends or family members, and consider joining study groups or attending workshops to refine your skills further.
  6. Make Use of Visual Resources: Visual aids can be incredibly valuable in understanding complex anatomical structures and physiological processes. Seek out visual resources such as anatomical charts, videos, interactive apps, or 3D models to enhance your understanding. These resources provide a dynamic and engaging way to reinforce your knowledge and grasp challenging concepts.
  7. Seek Out Multiple Learning Sources: While your course material serves as the foundation, supplementing it with additional learning sources can broaden your understanding. Explore textbooks, scholarly articles, reputable online resources, and journals related to massage therapy. This multidimensional approach exposes you to diverse perspectives and keeps your learning experience engaging and enriched.
  8. Engage in Self-Assessment: Regular self-assessment helps you gauge your progress and identify areas that require further attention. Create quizzes or practice exams for yourself using your study materials, or utilize online resources designed for massage therapy students. Self-assessment enhances your confidence, highlights knowledge gaps, and guides your future study efforts.
  9. Take Breaks and Practice Self-Care: While diligent study is crucial, it’s equally important to take breaks and prioritize self-care. Long hours of studying can lead to mental fatigue and decreased retention. Incorporate short breaks during your study sessions, engage in physical activity, practice relaxation techniques, and ensure you get enough sleep. Taking care of your well-being will enhance your overall academic performance.
  10. Collaborate and Communicate: Learning is often more effective when done in collaboration with others. Engage in study groups or online forums where you can discuss concepts, exchange ideas, and learn from your peers. Communication with instructors, mentors, and experienced professionals can also provide valuable insights and guidance.

    Conclusion: Mastering the study skills necessary for success as a massage therapy student is a journey in itself. By establishing a structured routine, setting clear goals, utilizing active learning techniques, and engaging in hands-on practice, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled and knowledgeable massage therapist. Remember to take care of yourself, seek out diverse learning sources, and collaborate with others to enhance your understanding. With these top 10 study skills in your arsenal, you are poised to excel in your massage therapy education and embark on a fulfilling career that promotes wellness and healing.

Being a Massage Therapist -10 Benefits

Being a Massage Therapist -10 Benefits

Massage TherapistBeing a massage therapist can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling career. Not only do you get to help people feel better physically and emotionally, but you also have the opportunity to make a positive impact on their overall well-being. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the top 10 best things about being a massage therapist.

  1. Helping people feel better

One of the most obvious benefits of being a massage therapist is the ability to help people feel better physically. Whether your clients are dealing with chronic pain, injury, or just need to relax, your massage techniques can provide relief and promote healing.

  1. Building relationships with clients

As a massage therapist, you have the opportunity to build long-lasting relationships with your clients. Many people see their massage therapist regularly, which means you have the chance to get to know them on a personal level and help them on their journey towards wellness.

  1. A flexible schedule

If you’re looking for a career with a flexible schedule, massage therapy is a great option. You can set your own hours and work as little or as much as you want. This can be especially helpful if you have other commitments, such as family or school.

  1. A variety of work settings

As a massage therapist, you can work in a variety of settings, from spas and resorts to hospitals and clinics. This can provide a lot of variety in your work and allow you to explore different aspects of the profession.

  1. Continuous learning and growth

There’s always something new to learn in the field of massage therapy. From new techniques and tools to advances in technology, there are plenty of opportunities for continuous learning and growth. This can help you stay engaged and excited about your work.

  1. A physically active job

If you’re someone who enjoys staying active, massage therapy can be a great career choice. You’ll be on your feet for most of the day and using your hands and arms to perform massage techniques, which can provide a good workout.

  1. A positive impact on mental health

Massage therapy isn’t just good for physical health; it can also have a positive impact on mental health. Massage has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and can promote relaxation and improve mood.

  1. A career that’s in demand

As more people become interested in natural and alternative forms of healthcare, the demand for massage therapists continues to grow. This means there are plenty of job opportunities available and a good outlook for the future of the profession.

  1. The ability to be self-employed

If you’re someone who values independence and autonomy, becoming a self-employed massage therapist may be a good fit. You can set your own rates and build your own business, which can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience.

  1. Making a difference in people’s lives

Perhaps the biggest benefit of being a massage therapist is the ability to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Whether you’re helping someone recover from an injury, manage chronic pain, or just relax and unwind, your work can have a profound impact on their well-being.

In conclusion, being a massage therapist can be a wonderful career choice for those who are passionate about helping others and promoting wellness. From the ability to make a positive impact on people’s lives to the flexibility and autonomy that comes with being a self-employed massage therapist, there are plenty of reasons to consider pursuing this rewarding profession.

For more information about being a massage therapist contact our massage school admissions team

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear Massage TherapyAn Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tear is an injury impacting major ligaments in the knee. It is a key concern for many sports enthusiasts because such ACL tears occur mostly during sports activities that involve jumping, landing, sudden stops, or changes in direction.

Examples of such sports include football, basketball, soccer, or downhill skiing. Also, these ruptures are more common in women than in men because of the difference in anatomy.

Once you sustain an ACL injury, you might require surgery, but that depends on factors like your activity level and severity of damage. With advancements in the field of reconstruction surgery, athletes can benefit from hamstring grafts, patellar tendon graft along with allografts. These prove effective in restoring both function and strength to the injured knee.

Even so, the ability of an athlete to go back to an active lifestyle successfully/full recovery after ACL reconstruction depends on the absence of three prevalent complications.

  • Quadriceps weakness
  • Flexion contracture (of the muscle group)
  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS)

Many physicians will use the patellofemoral pain syndrome as a “catch-all” diagnosis for the myriad of symptoms associated with anterior knee pain, especially after ACL reconstruction.

Signs and Symptoms of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture

Once you sustain the injury, you will hear a popping sound from your knee. Other common symptoms include:

  • Pain and swelling
  • Loss of full range motion
  • Discomfort when walking
  • Joint tenderness
  • Inability to bear leg weight even with minimal pain
  • Feeling of instability


Several movements can cause an anterior cruciate ligament tear. These include:

  • Slowing down during a run
  • Incorrectly landing from a jump
  • Rapidly changing direction
  • Stopping suddenly
  • Direct contact or collision like during a tackle
  • When a knee is twisted or bent backward

While sport accidents are the most common causes of ACL injuries, you can sustain an ACL tear from missing a step in a staircase, falling off a ladder, or being in a car accident.

Risk factors

There are several risk factors for an ACL injury, and they include:

  • Gender
  • Active involvement in sports like football, gymnastics, basketball, soccer, and downhill skiing
  • Using defective sport equipment like ski bindings
  • Wearing ill-fitting sportswear
  • Having a history of an ACL tear

Outcome and treatment

When you experience an ACL injury, you might not be able to walk correctly. An ACL injury causes a partial or complete tear of tissue and is usually very painful. Once you visit a doctor, they will recommend treatment based on the severity of the injury. Treatment options include first aid, medications, physical therapy, or surgery.

Massage Therapy for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear

One aspect of physical therapy for ACL is massage. Therapeutic massage therapy has the following benefits:

  • Reduce pain and swelling (inflammation)
  • Increase blood circulation and joint mobility
  • Accelerate the healing process
  • Lower the aggregation of scar tissue forming around the site of the injury

During a therapeutic massage, therapists target surrounding muscles, joints, or other specific structures to reduce strain. And once you’ve achieved success in ensuring they’re relaxed, a physician can then start restoring them to their proper alignment and flexibility.

Massage therapy is considered a safe and effective complementary treatment for many muscle and joint problems—including ACL. The type of massage and the number of sessions you will require will depend on your injury. At the end of all of your sessions, you will have regained full range of motion without any pain.

While massage therapy is effective in treating ACL, it must be done correctly for maximum results. Ensure you get your massage therapy from a professional therapist. If you would like to learn more about massage therapy or attend massage school, call us today. Also contact the Northwest Academy admissions department for any massage related questions.

Pediatric Massage Therapy for Scoliosis

Pediatric Massage Therapy for Scoliosis

Pediatric Massage - Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition that millions of Americans are familiar with. You may have already worked with patients who suffer from pain, discomfort, and stiffness due to scoliosis. This condition is particularly detrimental to children, who may struggle with weak muscles, back pain, and fatigue from long periods of standing upright.

Luckily, massage therapy can be used to help treat scoliosis in children. A pediatric massage involves manipulating soft tissues with the aim of relieving tension and improving blood flow to affected regions. When done correctly, the symptoms of scoliosis in children can be significantly reduced.



Understanding Scoliosis in children

Scoliosis is a condition where the spinal cord curvature is increased more than usual. The spine typically has a mild curve as it runs across your back. However, patients with scoliosis have a spinal cord that resembles a C or an S shape.

Congenital scoliosis (in children) typically occurs during birth and affects children as they continue to grow. The severity of this condition will vary from one patient to another. Some spinal curvatures are barely noticeable, while others can even cause a deformity in the spine.

Some risk factors of scoliosis include birth defects, infections, cerebral palsy, or genetic disorders such as Down Syndrome. Adding pediatric massage therapy skills to your current knowledge base will help you provide adequate relief to scoliosis patients.

Symptoms of Scoliosis

Scoliosis in children manifests itself in many different ways. It can begin to develop in the womb due to the incorrect division of vertebrae, or vertebrae that don’t fully grow during early stages. Diagnosis may be done soon after birth- or even later on when the child is 10-15 years old.

Some of the most common symptoms include:

Chronic back pain
An incorrectly tilted spine and pelvis
Fatigue from standing upright
Uneven shoulders
Benefits of Massage therapy

Pediatric massage therapy is a useful technique that can treat scoliosis in children. For example, effleurage massage techniques target the soft tissues and warm them up for adjustment. Through repeated strokes along the length of a child’s spinal cord, the muscles can relax and ease pain, stiffness, or tension.

Massage therapy also uses a combination of lubricants to soften the muscles and increase blood circulation to affected areas. Children with scoliosis can enjoy significant relief from symptoms and live a healthy life with timely massage therapy sessions.

Massage therapy techniques you can learn in massage school

If you wish to advance your knowledge and skills in massage therapy for scoliosis, attending massage school is an excellent way to get started. With these advanced skills under your belt, you’ll be able to provide timely pediatric massage therapy to children who’ve been affected by this condition.

The Advantages of Attending a Clinical Massage School

The Advantages of Attending a Clinical Massage School

Seattle Massage SchoolsIs your career in the health industry? Do you want to join a career that will enable you to promote healthy lifestyles? If this is the case, going to Northwest Academy’s Seattle clinical massage school may be the best option for you. Clinical massage therapy is an effective form of treatment of different kinds of ailments, diseases, and injuries. As a clinical massage therapist, you will use specific techniques that will ease muscle pain, reduce stress, and contribute to the overall wellness of your clients.

5 Benefits of Attending a Seattle Clinical Massage Therapy School

  1. Graduate with the essential skills: Northwest Academy’s Seattle clinical massage school involves a lot of hands-on training. The qualified instructors will train you in anatomy, musculature, and other massage therapy techniques. After graduating, you will have the needed practical experience to work in clinics, hospitals, and spas.
  2. You will become licensed: Most states require that massage therapists be licensed. For you to obtain your massage therapist license, you have to first complete a certification or degree program at a recognized Seattle clinical massage therapy school and obtain the necessary massage therapy experience. One of the main reasons why massage therapy has become a respected profession is due to the strict requirements that massage therapists have to meet.
  3. Qualified and licensed massage therapists are in high demand: The value of licensed massage therapists is now widely recognized. This has led to job growth in this industry; in fact, the BLS has predicted that it will experience a job growth of 26 percent more than the average. This means that it has a faster growth rate than the nursing profession which is at 15 percent. There are always new massage therapist jobs being created in places such as office buildings and nursing homes.
  4. It takes a short time to become a licensed clinical massage therapist: When most people think of starting a new career, they imagine spending two or four years in college. However, a typical training program at Northwest Academy’s Seattle clinical massage school takes between seven months and one year to complete. Training programs are designed to equip you with skills, safety precautions, and techniques you will need to enter the employment field. Therefore, if you desire to switch careers, the short massage therapy training programs are a real plus.
  5. Flexible class schedules: If you’re thinking about switching careers or enhancing your career with additional training, your busy work schedule and personal life may prevent you from achieving your goals. Fortunately, Northwest Academy’s Seattle clinical massage therapy school can tailor a training program that can fit your lifestyle and schedule.

Take the Next Step to Become a Massage Therapist

Now that you know the several benefits of attending a Seattle clinical massage therapy school, enroll for a massage therapist course at Northwest Academy. You will learn anatomy and physiology, kinesiology, massage theories and practices, pathology, first aid and CPR that will prepare you for a massage therapist career. For more information contact an admissions assistant today.

Tips For Choosing The Best Seattle Massage School

Tips For Choosing The Best Seattle Massage School

Have you stopped to ask yourself why a healing method that has been used for over 4000 years is now getting popular? Perhaps it’s because people are finally respecting this old healing method. Today, medically modeled massage is one of the fastest growing fields in the massage profession. Whether you have a desire for offering relaxation massages or you are passionate about assisting your patients with injuries or specific conditions, your education and experience from Seattle Massage Schools will help you succeed in your career.

4 Tips on How to Choose the Right Seattle Massage School

There are numerous Seattle Massage Schools and finding the right one can be an overwhelming process. It’s hard to choose a massage school that can provide you with the best training. Ideally, you need a Seattle massage school that:

  1. Has small classes: You should only consider Seattle massage schools that have the smallest classes. Small classes will help you get the one on one attention you deserve which is essential for you to succeed in this career path.
  2. Flexible class schedule: Life is often busy for most people, especially if you’re juggling between work and family. Therefore, you need a Seattle massage training program that can design a massage program to fit your lifestyle and schedule.
  3. Experienced faculty: Ensure that the Seattle massage therapy school you choose consists of licensed massage therapists, chiropractors, kinesiologists, naturopathic physicians, and physical therapists.
  4. Research or evidence-based curriculum: According to the Massage Therapy Foundation, massage therapists should have the necessary skills and knowledge to assess the available research and make effective clinical decisions. This can only be possible by choosing a Seattle massage school that has developed its curriculum around both theories and practices that are evidence-based. Additionally, the institution you choose should also utilize different classroom assessments.

More and more patients and physicians are realizing that medically based massage isn’t just an alternative treatment but a necessary one. What’s more, many insurance companies are now paying for medically modeled massages that have been prescribed by doctors for different ailments such as falls, work-related injuries, sports activities, auto accident injuries, and diseases.

Consider a Second Career in Massage Therapy

Psychologists agree that loving what you do is necessary to achieve job satisfaction. Therefore, if your current job is very demanding, you should consider a career change. Among all health care careers, the U.S. News has ranked massage therapist as the fourth best in terms of job prospects, salary, and work-life balance. Follow the above tips to find the best Seattle massage therapy schools. If you have any questions, visit Northwest Academy or call a helpful academic adviser at 206-932-5950 today.