When it comes to a massage therapy career, the possibilities are endless. Massage therapists are able to work on cruises, in hospitals, in chiropractic centers, and even in airports. If you are someone who loves to travel, you may be wondering how you can incorporate your massage therapy career, and your love of traveling into one incredible life.
As a massage therapist, the world is your oyster. Not only can you help others relax and rehabilitate, you can also enjoy the exciting world of traveling as a massage therapist yourself. If you would like to find out how you can marry your two loves of travel and massage, check out some of the ways you can make your dream life a reality.
If the open sea is calling you, you might consider a massage therapy career aboard a luxury cruise liner. Along with helping vacationers relax and unwind, you can take in the beauty of some of the world’s most beautiful tropical destinations. Imagine yourself giving a world class massage to a couple who has just been married on day one, and then you could find yourself enjoying a beverage on a white sandy beach, overlooking the ocean on day two. This could be your every day life as a massage therapist, working on a cruise. Consider a massage therapy career and explore the possibilities yourself.
If you love traveling, massage therapy, and sports, you may consider starting your massage therapy career at an athletic training facility. You could be a massage therapist to one of your favorite athletes. You could travel from one stadium to another, providing relief and comfort to an athlete. If you want to work as a massage therapist in the Olympic field, you can make your dream a reality Many Olympians travel with their massage therapists to help them through grueling training sessions and competitions. While your client is busy working toward that gold metal, you may find yourself exploring the sites in China, South America, Canada, and more! This can be your reality with a massage therapy career.
If you are someone who prefers to be their own boss, you can choose where you would like to work. With the right marketing, you can open your services to various jobs, students, religious groups, and more. You can travel all over the country, and even the world, and offer world class massage therapy.
Do you love spas and resorts? If so, you might want to start your massage therapy career at a 5-star resort and spa. You could be just the person who helps an overworked executive begin to relax during their spa getaway. On your days off, you may find yourself looking at historical landmarks in Europe, or relaxing with a margarita on a beautiful beach in Mexico.
A massage therapy career can satisfy all areas of your life. If you are looking to incorporate massage therapy, and your love of traveling, into an exciting career, train to become a licensed massage therapist today. Your massage therapy career awaits.

Massage and Scleroderma
Let’s talk about a difficult condition called scleroderma. Massage therapy might not be among the resources you’d think of in addressing the patient’s challenges with this condition, but you’d be surprised. For a wide variety of conditions, massage therapy becomes a versatile tool for healthcare professionals who add it to their repertoire.
When you study the body from a massage therapy perspective, you also gain insight and ideas for your work as a yoga instructor, fitness professional, or other roles where you’re concerned with your clients’ physical wellbeing. It’s both a whole-body and localized treatment. Here’s how it helps with scleroderma when carefully used.
Scleroderma and its Stages
Scleroderma is an autoimmune condition which, like many such conditions, affects women much more frequently than it does men. It causes hardening of the body’s tissues, either locally or throughout the body’s systems, producing a thick feeling to the skin and other stiffness and internal damage.
The progression of a client’s scleroderma is an important factor in considering massage treatment. As damage to the body continues, its surface hardens and loses vitality and eventually internal organs can be affected. Massage therapy may not be advisable or may be of limited use during later stages of the disease.
The Advantages of Skilled Massage Therapists
Multimodal treatment, mixing massage therapy with treatment by physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers, can help a patient’s body to respond better to treatment in general. If you have one of these backgrounds, you can augment your clinical skills in a significant way by learning massage therapy. For example, it can help increase blood circulation and possibly delay the onset and worsening of symptoms.
Because there are many specialized massage techniques with varying effects on the body, a carefully designed massage program can be offered to clients to address medical concerns. Where deep tissue massage may help with some aspects of a condition, your skill and tactile sensitivity as a massage therapist can help you use a gentler approach, similar to that used for fibromyalgia.
Using the Unique Qualities of Massage to Help Scleroderma Patients
Medical guidance is essential when you are working with a client who is diagnosed with scleroderma. Depending on the type and extent of a client’s condition, deep tissue massage techniques may be somewhat useful, but attention to circulation and joint function, breath and relaxation may be more productive approaches.
You can provide gentle, repetitive touch to help capillary flow and relaxation, while breathwork and assisted joint movement can help the body stay resilient. Myofascial (muscle) techniques can conflict with the hardening of the body’s surfaces, and generally you should avoid this type of approach.
Patient Engagement Makes a Difference
Massage therapy training helps you understand the body from a client’s perspective. In addition to being a caring presence in each person’s life, you learn how to constructively use touch to assist bodies in healing from disease and maintaining health. The power of one human caring for another in a safe, structured setting allows one of the most basic human needs to be addressed — that of touch.
As an autoimmune disease, scleroderma is a complex condition and patients may feel at a loss in dealing with it. From nurses to fitness coaches, when people help us with our physical well being, it’s usually with a minimum of hands-on connection and mostly verbal. When you, as a massage therapist, address specific physical challenges which the client is experiencing, you also address the patient as a whole, helping her to develop an inner strength to deal with her life’s challenges.
To learn more about how massage therapy can be beneficial for Scleroderma contact our Seattle student massage clinic

8 Tips to Ensure a Motivated and Productive Spring
Spring has sprung! With the nice weather, it may be tempting to run outside and enjoy the spring weather. Now is the time to rejuvenate your career. Here are eight spring tips to stay motivated and productive this season.
1. Evaluate
You made it through Q1 but how did you do? Whether you have an official quarterly review or you are performing a self-evaluation, it’s important to look back and reflect. What were your accomplishments? What did you struggle with? And most importantly…what did you learn?
Consider not only your career but also your personal life as well, they often correlate with your overall state of well-being.
2. Start an Exercise Routine
Take advantage of the beautiful weather and get outside. Create a workout schedule and hang it up in your home. Switch up your routine to stay in shape and motivated. Click here to learn how to build your own workout routine.
3. Refresh Your Style
What better time to upgrade your style than in the spring? Clean up your work wardrobe and change your hairstyle to feel refreshed and new.
4. Create New Challenges
Challenge yourself to get out of a your rut. Work to expand your career skills by taking a class or seminar. Learning a new skill can motivate you this spring to push your career to the next level.
Healthcare professionals can significantly benefit from broadening their skill set. Massage therapy can be applied to a wide range of career paths including nursing, physical therapy, yoga or palates instructing.
5. Spring Clean
Spring cleaning is not just for your home! It’s reported that productivity can rise by 5% with a clean working environment. Whether you work in an office, cubicle or unconventional workspace, take some time to clean your space.
Pitch the trash, organize your files and wipe down those areas that get dusty. You will feel refreshed and ready to tackle your new projects.
6. Revisit Your Resolution
You are a few months into the year, how are you doing with your New Year’s Resolution? Take some time to revisit your resolution and monitor your progress. You may even need to alter your goals to fit your new plans.
7. Make a List of Goals
Make a list of three to five goals you would like to accomplish during the rest of the year. These can be based on your New Year’s resolution or something that has developed since. Your goals should be S.M.A.R.T. – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely.
A great example of a S.M.A.R.T. goal would be: Complete a massage therapy program and receive a certification by the end of the year.
8. Plan your Next Vacation
What is more motivated than working towards a vacation. American workers took 16.2 days of vacation in 2015, nearly one full week less time off than in the year 2000. Take some time this spring to plan your summer vacation. Print some photos to hang up so you can stay motivated throughout the day.
Are you ready for spring? Take these spring tips and set yourself up for a successful year. Start your Spring on the right foot by enrolling into a personalized massage therapy program, contact us today.
Massage Therapy; Choosing a Lotion
What natural ingredients help a massage therapy lotion glide with ease?
Some of the best natural ingredients you want to make sure your massage therapy lotion contains are jojoba, grapeseed, avocado or almond oil. These oils are light and airy, but are not heavy and greasy on the skin. Overtime as you are massaging, they will absorb into the skin, but they will not absorb so fast you have to stop to constantly grab more lotion to continue providing a nice gliding massage to your patient. After all, a massage therapy session is all about constant smooth flowing touch that provides healing to the body.
What massage therapy lotions are best for what skin types?
Choosing the right massage therapy lotions for the particular skin type is essential for giving a quality, yet beneficial massage therapy massage. For example, acne prone skin would benefit best from massage lotions that contain not only the oils of jojoba, grapeseed, avocado, or almond oil, but also tea tree oil since it contains antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Skin types that are sensitive and need nourishing during massage therapy to help relax the mind and body are ones that contain lavender, rosemary, rose absolute or chamomile. Skin types with stress marks, scars, signs of aging will benefit from massage lotions that contain mango, shea, or cocoa butter. Feel free to use massage therapy lotions that contain arnica in them, as it is a natural pain reliever.
What scented lotions are best to use during massage therapy sessions?
Picking out the right scented massage lotion before giving your patient a massage is important as well. Many patients are sensitive to scents and therefore we always provide an unscented lotion. However, sometimes your patients might be interested in the pleasant addition of a scented lotion. For patients that are feeling stressed, anxious, panicked or depressed lavender or patchouli scent lotions are best. Patients that want an uplifting massage might enjoy a therapy session with peppermint, or citrus could be beneficial. Picking a scented massage oil that is pleasing to your patient’s senses is beneficial for the outcome of their massage too. After all, you want their massage to feel healing and nurturing to them.
For information regarding lotion ingredients visit: http://www.safecosmetics.org/get-the-facts/chemicals-of-concern/
You can also contact Seattle Massage Schools

Top 10 Reasons to Consider Attending Massage School
You are someone who has thought a lot about massage therapy. You may have even benefited from it. You know its advantages, and you like the idea of helping people feel better. What you now need to transition an interest into a career is a massage school.
- To acquire the newest knowledge and cutting edge techniques – A quality massage school education will keep you abreast of the leading industry news, trends, and skills.
- To help people feel healthier – If you have a giving spirit and you have empathy for those in difficult health situations, a massage therapist can literally be the healing hands someone needs.
- To be your own boss
- To make your own hours – You can tailor your life around your work or your work around your life.
- Ever-expanding job opportunities in a growing field – The US Department of Labor estimates that massage therapy positions are growing at a rate of between 18-26% annually.
- A belief in natural health – Many people are engaging with non-pharmacological health alternatives.
- To help others live a more stress free life
- Rapid education-to-work turnaround
- To be taken seriously – If you want to be a legitimate hand (or two) in an industry some mistakenly see as seedy due to the unlicensed, non-therapeutic practitioners, a license and certification will do just that.
- Have a career – A licensed massage therapist from a respected massage school isn’t a job, it’s a career.
For more information about massage school or a list of ten more reasons to consider attending a massage school or massage therapy program contact us at: admissions@nw-academy.com or 206-932-5950.