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Hybrid Massage Schools in Seattle, Washington

Hybrid Massage Schools in Seattle, Washington

Male Massage School Student SeattleThe Future of Learning: Unlocking New Possibilities in Massage Therapy Training Through Hybrid Education

The landscape of education in Seattle massage schools is witnessing a pivotal shift towards hybrid education models. This innovative approach, which marries the convenience of online learning with the indispensable hands-on experience of in-person training, is revolutionizing how aspiring massage therapists prepare for their careers. This article explores the myriad benefits of hybrid education models, with a particular focus on enhanced accessibility and how they are making massage therapy training more inclusive and adaptable than ever before.

Unprecedented Accessibility: Breaking Down Barriers to Education

Hybrid education models stand out for their remarkable ability to break down traditional barriers to education. By integrating online coursework, these programs allow students to access high-quality learning materials from anywhere, at any time. This level of accessibility is particularly transformative for individuals who live in remote areas, where access to specialized training centers might be limited or non-existent. Additionally, for those who have personal or professional responsibilities that make attending traditional, on-campus courses challenging, the flexibility of hybrid models is nothing short of a game-changer.

The convenience of online learning means that students can tailor their study schedules around their existing commitments, whether that’s a full-time job, family responsibilities, or both. This flexibility not only makes it feasible for a broader range of individuals to pursue training in massage therapy but also enhances the learning experience by allowing students to engage with materials at their own pace. In an era where work-life balance is increasingly important, the ability of hybrid programs to accommodate the diverse needs of students is invaluable.

Diverse Learning Experiences: Catering to Every Student

Hybrid education models in massage therapy training excel in providing diverse learning experiences that cater to various learning preferences. The online segments often feature interactive content, including virtual simulations, video tutorials, and forums for discussion, which enrich the theoretical understanding of massage therapy. These digital platforms are adept at presenting complex concepts in engaging and digestible formats, accommodating different learning styles.

Conversely, the in-person components are dedicated to cultivating the practical skills essential to massage therapy. Through hands-on practice, students learn to apply techniques effectively, understand the nuances of human anatomy and physiology, and develop the interpersonal skills necessary for client interactions. This combination ensures a comprehensive education, preparing students not just intellectually but also practically for their future careers.

Real-world Application and Networking Opportunities

The hybrid model’s in-person segments provide crucial opportunities for students to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios, an essential step in cementing their learning. These sessions also serve as a valuable networking platform, connecting students with peers and seasoned professionals in the field. Such interactions can be instrumental in building a professional network, finding mentorship opportunities, and securing employment post-graduation.

Personalized Learning and Enhanced Support

Hybrid education models leverage technology to offer more personalized learning experiences. Digital platforms enable instructors to monitor individual progress and tailor support to meet each student’s unique needs. This ensures that every student can master the competencies required in massage therapy, providing a strong foundation for their professional growth.


Hybrid education models are setting a new standard in Seattle massage schools and training programs, characterized by unparalleled flexibility, accessibility, and comprehensive learning experiences. By making education more adaptable to the needs of a diverse student population, these programs are not only expanding access to training but are also ensuring that graduates are well-equipped for the demands of the profession. As the world continues to evolve, the hybrid model stands as a beacon of innovation in education, promising a brighter future for aspiring massage therapists and the clients they will serve.

For more information about Seattle massage schools or hybrid massage therapy programs please contact our admissions department.

The Healing Power of Touch

The Healing Power of Touch

Woman receiving neck massageThe Healing Power of Touch – Touch is a fundamental aspect of human existence. From the gentle embrace of a loved one to the soothing sensation of a massage therapist’s skilled hands, touch plays a pivotal role in our lives. Beyond the emotional and sensory experiences, touch has a profound impact on our overall health and well-being. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance and effects of touch on our physical, mental, and emotional health.

The Science of Touch

To understand the significance of touch, it’s essential to explore the science behind it. Our skin is our body’s largest organ, densely populated with millions of sensory receptors that transmit information to the brain. These receptors come in various forms, each specializing in a specific type of touch sensation. For instance, there are receptors for pressure, temperature, pain, and gentle caresses.

When we experience touch, these receptors send signals to the brain, which processes them in the somatosensory cortex. This intricate network of nerve cells helps us interpret and respond to touch in various ways. This scientific foundation demonstrates that touch is not just a pleasurable experience but a critical element of our physiological and psychological health.

The Healing Power of Touch

Stress Reduction
One of the most well-documented effects of touch is its ability to reduce stress. When we are touched in a comforting or reassuring manner, our bodies release oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone” or “cuddle chemical.” Oxytocin promotes feelings of trust, bonding, and relaxation, counteracting the stress hormone cortisol.

Pain Management
Touch therapy, such as massage, acupuncture, and acupressure, has long been used to alleviate physical pain. These therapies stimulate the release of endorphins, natural painkillers produced by the body. Additionally, they improve blood circulation, which can reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Immune System Support
Research has shown that regular, positive touch can enhance the immune system’s functioning. The stress-reducing effects of touch, coupled with the release of immune-boosting hormones, can lead to improved resistance to illness.

Mental Health Benefits
The effects of touch extend to mental health as well. Touch has been linked to increased feelings of self-worth and reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression. Physical touch can provide a sense of comfort and connection, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation, which are common contributors to mental health issues.

Improved Sleep
For those struggling with sleep disorders, touch can be a natural remedy. Gentle, soothing touches release melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep patterns. This can lead to better sleep quality and an increased overall sense of well-being.

Enhanced Bonding and Relationships
Touch is a primary means of communication and bonding in human relationships. Whether it’s a hug, a handshake, or a loving pat on the back, physical touch fosters a sense of trust and connection between individuals. In romantic relationships, regular physical touch has been associated with increased relationship satisfaction and longevity.

Emotional Regulation
When we are touched, especially in a loving and supportive manner, it has a remarkable effect on our emotional state. Touch can help calm heightened emotions, soothe anxiety, and offer a sense of security during times of distress.

Cultural and Individual Differences

It’s important to note that the significance of touch can vary across cultures and individuals. Cultural norms, personal boundaries, and past experiences all influence how people perceive and respond to touch. While some cultures may encourage more physical contact as a form of social bonding, others may have stricter boundaries around touch. It’s essential to respect these differences and always obtain consent when engaging in physical contact.

Practical Ways to Incorporate Healthy Touch

Hugging: Embrace loved ones with genuine hugs to release oxytocin and strengthen emotional bonds.

Massage Therapy: Consider regular massages to reduce stress, alleviate physical discomfort, and promote relaxation.

Cuddle Time: Spend quality time cuddling with your partner, children, or pets to foster connection and emotional well-being.

Self-Care: Don’t forget self-touch. Self-massage, taking relaxing baths, or practicing self-hugging can be comforting and beneficial.

Mindful Touch: Engage in mindfulness practices that involve touch, such as yoga or tai chi, to connect with your body and reduce stress.

Social Connections: Maintain strong social connections with friends and family to ensure regular opportunities for positive touch.


In a fast-paced, digitally connected world, the importance of touch on overall health cannot be overstated. It is a powerful tool for reducing stress, managing pain, supporting the immune system, and enhancing emotional well-being. From the cradle to the nursing home, humans have an innate need for physical touch, and acknowledging and prioritizing this need can lead to a happier, healthier life.

As we navigate the challenges of modern life, let us remember the profound effects of touch and make a conscious effort to incorporate it into our daily routines. By doing so, we can nurture our physical, mental, and emotional well-being and experience the healing power of touch to its fullest extent.

Workplace Massage: Boosting Productivity and Employee Satisfaction

Workplace Massage: Boosting Productivity and Employee Satisfaction

Chair-MassageIn today’s fast-paced work environments, employee well-being has become a top priority for organizations aiming to create a positive and productive workplace culture. One increasingly popular method to promote workplace wellness is through massage therapy. In this blog post, we will explore how incorporating massage into the workplace can lead to happier, healthier, and more engaged employees.

  1. The Impact of Workplace Stress: Workplace stress is a pervasive issue that can negatively affect employees’ mental and physical well-being. High stress levels lead to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and a higher risk of burnout. By offering massage as a workplace wellness program, employers can provide employees with a valuable stress management tool.
  2. Benefits of Workplace Massage: a. Stress Reduction: Massage helps to alleviate stress by reducing cortisol levels and promoting the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good hormones. Regular massage sessions can help employees manage stress more effectively and maintain a sense of calm and balance throughout the workday. b. Pain Relief: Many employees suffer from musculoskeletal issues and chronic pain due to prolonged sitting, repetitive tasks, or poor posture. Massage therapy can target these specific areas, relieving tension, improving circulation, and reducing pain. c. Improved Focus and Mental Clarity: Massage promotes relaxation and mental clarity, which can enhance cognitive function and concentration. Employees who receive regular massages are more likely to stay focused, make better decisions, and perform at their best. d. Enhanced Mood and Morale: Massage triggers the release of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters associated with happiness and positive mood. By incorporating massage into the workplace, employers can create an atmosphere of well-being, boosting employee morale and job satisfaction.
  3. Different Approaches to Workplace Massage: a. On-Site Chair Massage: Chair massage is a convenient and efficient option for the workplace. It involves a brief, seated massage that focuses on the neck, shoulders, back, arms, and hands. On-site chair massage sessions typically last between 10 to 30 minutes and can be scheduled during breaks or as part of wellness events. b. Wellness Rooms: Creating dedicated wellness rooms within the workplace provides employees with a quiet, comfortable space where they can receive longer massage sessions or engage in relaxation exercises. These rooms can be equipped with massage tables, relaxing music, and essential oils to enhance the overall experience. c. Wellness Programs and Subsidies: Employers can partner with local massage therapists or wellness centers to offer discounted or subsidized massage sessions for employees. By providing financial incentives or flexible schedules to accommodate massage appointments, employers demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being.
  4. Implementing a Workplace Massage Program: a. Management Buy-In: To successfully introduce a workplace massage program, it’s crucial to obtain support from management and stakeholders. Highlight the potential benefits, present case studies, and emphasize the positive impact on employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity. b. Partnering with Professionals: Collaborate with licensed and experienced massage therapists or wellness providers who specialize in workplace programs. Ensure they understand the unique needs of office environments and are capable of delivering quality services. c. Communication and Promotion: Proper communication is key to the success of any workplace wellness initiative. Use various channels, such as emails, newsletters, posters, and intranet platforms, to inform employees about the availability and benefits of the massage program. Highlight success stories and encourage employee feedback to create a buzz and generate interest. d. Evaluation and Feedback: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the program through employee surveys, feedback sessions, and productivity metrics. Adjust the program as needed based on employee preferences and needs.

Massage therapy is a powerful tool for promoting workplace wellness and improving employee satisfaction and productivity. By addressing stress, reducing pain, enhancing focus, and boosting morale, workplace massage programs have the potential to transform the work environment into a healthier, happier, and more efficient space. Employers who invest in the well-being of their employees through massage initiatives demonstrate their commitment to fostering a positive work culture. By incorporating massage into the workplace, organizations can unlock the full potential of their workforce and reap the long-term benefits of a more engaged and productive team.

Lupus & Massage Therapy

Lupus & Massage Therapy

Lupus-Awareness-Month-Massage-TherapyLupus, also known as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect various parts of the body, including the skin, joints, kidneys, heart, and lungs. The condition occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues in the body, causing inflammation and damage.

While the exact cause of Lupus is unknown, it is believed to be a combination of genetic, environmental, and hormonal factors. Women are more likely to develop the condition than men, and it often appears between the ages of 15 and 44.

The symptoms of Lupus can vary widely, depending on which part of the body is affected. Common symptoms include fatigue, joint pain and stiffness, skin rashes, fever, hair loss, and chest pain. In some cases, Lupus can lead to more serious complications, such as kidney failure, heart attacks, and stroke.

There is currently no cure for Lupus, but treatment options are available to manage symptoms and prevent complications. These may include medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, and immunosuppressants, as well as lifestyle changes such as getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, and avoiding triggers that can worsen symptoms.

Massage therapy is one complementary therapy that may help people with Lupus manage their symptoms and improve their overall quality of life. Here are some of the ways that massage therapy can benefit patients with Lupus:

  1. Reducing Pain and Stiffness: Massage therapy can help reduce muscle and joint pain and stiffness, which are common symptoms of Lupus. Massage can help increase blood flow to the affected areas, promote the release of endorphins (natural painkillers), and reduce inflammation.
  2. Promoting Relaxation and Stress Relief: Stress can worsen symptoms of Lupus, and many people with Lupus experience anxiety and depression as a result of their condition. Massage therapy can help promote relaxation and reduce stress, which may help improve overall mental health.
  3. Improving Sleep: Many people with Lupus struggle with sleep disturbances, including insomnia and restless sleep. Massage therapy can help promote relaxation and improve sleep quality, which may help reduce fatigue and improve overall well-being.
  4. Boosting the Immune System: Massage therapy has been shown to stimulate the immune system and increase the production of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting off infections. This can be particularly beneficial for people with Lupus, whose immune systems are compromised.
  5. Providing a Safe and Nurturing Environment: Many people with chronic illnesses such as Lupus may feel isolated or disconnected from others. Massage therapy provides a safe and nurturing environment where patients can feel cared for and supported, which can have a positive impact on their overall mental and emotional well-being.

It is important to note that massage therapy should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment for Lupus. However, it can be a valuable complementary therapy that can help improve symptoms and overall quality of life for people with Lupus.

If you are considering massage therapy as a treatment option for Lupus, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider first. They can help you determine if massage therapy is a safe and appropriate option for you, and can also recommend qualified massage therapists who have experience working with patients with Lupus.

Degenerative Disc Disease & Massage

Degenerative Disc Disease & Massage

Degenerative Disc Disease Massage Therapy

Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is a medical condition where one or more discs in the back lose strength. Despite the name, degenerative disc disease isn’t technically a disease but a progressive condition that worsens over time due to wear and tear, or injury.

The discs in your back are situated in between the vertebrae of the spine and act as cushions and shock absorbers. They help you stand up straight and move through everyday motions, such as bending over or twisting around. As people age, DDD can worsen and cause mild to extreme pain that can interfere with your everyday activities.

Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease

Some of the most common symptoms of degenerative disc disease include pain that:

  • Primarily affects the lower back
  • Could extend to legs and buttocks
  • Stretches from neck to arms
  • Can be worse from sitting
  • Worsens after bending or twisting
  • Comes and goes in a few days or extends to several months

People with DDD might exhibit less pain after walking or exercise. Additionally, DDD can cause weakened leg muscles and numbness in your arms or legs.

Causes of Degenerative Disc Disease

DDD is primarily caused by natural wear and tear of spinal discs. Over time, discs tend to dry out and lose their support and function, leading to pain and other symptoms. DDD can start developing in your 30s or 40s and progressively worsen as you age. However, the condition can also be caused by overuse from sports or repetitive activities, or injury. Once a disc is damaged, it can’t repair itself.

Risk Factors

Age is the major risk factor for degenerative disc disease. The discs in between the vertebrae often shrink down and lose their cushiony support as people age. Almost every adult above the age of 60 has some form of disc degeneration. However, not all cases cause pain.

Long-term repetitive activities that place a lot of pressure on certain discs can also increase your risk. Other risk factors include car accidents, overweight or obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Diagnosis of DDD

An MRI can help detect degenerative disc disease. Your doctor may recommend this type of imaging test based on a physical exam or an investigation into your symptoms and health history. Imaging tests can reveal damaged discs and help rule out other triggers of pain. When you receive a diagnosis of DDD, it does not mean that you’re disabled or headed for a downward spiral of spinal degeneration. In fact, DDD is often a part of the natural aging process that we all go through at some point in life. And the good news is that you can mitigate the associated pain through a variety of treatment solutions, including massage therapy.

Massage Therapy Treatment for DDD

From a Massage Therapy point of view, the approach in treating DDD is to strike a balance between reducing muscle tension and enhancing traction (decompressing the targeted vertebral segments). Finding a “green zone” of treatment is critical since the spasms that occur through the neck or low back happen because the body is trying to protect that area. By applying slow, repetitive, methodical massage between soft tissue and joint mobilization (spinal decompression), massage therapy can help relieve pain and allow you to move easier and execute strengthening exercises efficiently.

Massage therapy generally helps in these three ways:

  • Increasing Blood Flow and Circulation: Proper blood circulation ensures that critical nutrients flow back fully to the strained muscles and tissues. This makes the muscles/tissues stronger, helping relieve the strain coming from the degenerating discs.
  • Decreasing Tension: The muscles can become tense as they struggle to compensate for the weakening discs. When these muscles are manipulated during the massage, they become relaxed, which improves the range of motion and flexibility.
  • Increasing the “feel good” chemical: Massage therapy releases Endorphins, a mood-enhancing chemical that is released in the brain. This “feel good” chemical helps in reducing pain and enhancing recovery.

Prognosis Possibilities

Without treatment or therapy, DDD can gradually progress and cause more adverse symptoms. While surgery is a treatment option, other less invasive treatments such as massage therapy have been found to be just as helpful yet less costly. A clinical study involving a 66-year-old female patient with cervical degenerative disc disease in her lateral left facet joint recorded impressive outcomes. The patient was experiencing symptoms of severe neck pain accompanied by restricted cervical range of motion. She also exhibited radicular left shoulder and arm pain. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of therapeutic massage on the patient’s symptoms and impairments of cervical DDD.

After multiple treatment sessions, the patient’s symptoms had decreased and cervical ROM had moderately improved. There was also a reduction in reported pain and an improvement in functional daily activities. This is an indication that massage therapy is a favorable treatment intervention for DDD symptoms.

Bottom Line

Massage can help improve the symptoms associated with Degenerative Disc Disease for a prolonged duration of time as long as you continue to follow the maintenance schedule that your Massage Therapist lays out. Massage therapy typically reduces muscle strain, improves flexibility, and mitigates pain. However, you can achieve the best results by working in conjunction with other health care professionals. Keep open communication between your doctor and your massage therapist to ensure the best treatment.

To learn about becoming a massage therapist in Seattle contact one of the following local massage schools; Northwest Academy for the Healing Arts or Seattle Clinical Massage School

The Advantages of Attending a Clinical Massage School

The Advantages of Attending a Clinical Massage School

Seattle Massage SchoolsIs your career in the health industry? Do you want to join a career that will enable you to promote healthy lifestyles? If this is the case, going to Northwest Academy’s Seattle clinical massage school may be the best option for you. Clinical massage therapy is an effective form of treatment of different kinds of ailments, diseases, and injuries. As a clinical massage therapist, you will use specific techniques that will ease muscle pain, reduce stress, and contribute to the overall wellness of your clients.

5 Benefits of Attending a Seattle Clinical Massage Therapy School

  1. Graduate with the essential skills: Northwest Academy’s Seattle clinical massage school involves a lot of hands-on training. The qualified instructors will train you in anatomy, musculature, and other massage therapy techniques. After graduating, you will have the needed practical experience to work in clinics, hospitals, and spas.
  2. You will become licensed: Most states require that massage therapists be licensed. For you to obtain your massage therapist license, you have to first complete a certification or degree program at a recognized Seattle clinical massage therapy school and obtain the necessary massage therapy experience. One of the main reasons why massage therapy has become a respected profession is due to the strict requirements that massage therapists have to meet.
  3. Qualified and licensed massage therapists are in high demand: The value of licensed massage therapists is now widely recognized. This has led to job growth in this industry; in fact, the BLS has predicted that it will experience a job growth of 26 percent more than the average. This means that it has a faster growth rate than the nursing profession which is at 15 percent. There are always new massage therapist jobs being created in places such as office buildings and nursing homes.
  4. It takes a short time to become a licensed clinical massage therapist: When most people think of starting a new career, they imagine spending two or four years in college. However, a typical training program at Northwest Academy’s Seattle clinical massage school takes between seven months and one year to complete. Training programs are designed to equip you with skills, safety precautions, and techniques you will need to enter the employment field. Therefore, if you desire to switch careers, the short massage therapy training programs are a real plus.
  5. Flexible class schedules: If you’re thinking about switching careers or enhancing your career with additional training, your busy work schedule and personal life may prevent you from achieving your goals. Fortunately, Northwest Academy’s Seattle clinical massage therapy school can tailor a training program that can fit your lifestyle and schedule.

Take the Next Step to Become a Massage Therapist

Now that you know the several benefits of attending a Seattle clinical massage therapy school, enroll for a massage therapist course at Northwest Academy. You will learn anatomy and physiology, kinesiology, massage theories and practices, pathology, first aid and CPR that will prepare you for a massage therapist career. For more information contact an admissions assistant today.

Tips For Choosing The Best Seattle Massage School

Tips For Choosing The Best Seattle Massage School

Have you stopped to ask yourself why a healing method that has been used for over 4000 years is now getting popular? Perhaps it’s because people are finally respecting this old healing method. Today, medically modeled massage is one of the fastest growing fields in the massage profession. Whether you have a desire for offering relaxation massages or you are passionate about assisting your patients with injuries or specific conditions, your education and experience from Seattle Massage Schools will help you succeed in your career.

4 Tips on How to Choose the Right Seattle Massage School

There are numerous Seattle Massage Schools and finding the right one can be an overwhelming process. It’s hard to choose a massage school that can provide you with the best training. Ideally, you need a Seattle massage school that:

  1. Has small classes: You should only consider Seattle massage schools that have the smallest classes. Small classes will help you get the one on one attention you deserve which is essential for you to succeed in this career path.
  2. Flexible class schedule: Life is often busy for most people, especially if you’re juggling between work and family. Therefore, you need a Seattle massage training program that can design a massage program to fit your lifestyle and schedule.
  3. Experienced faculty: Ensure that the Seattle massage therapy school you choose consists of licensed massage therapists, chiropractors, kinesiologists, naturopathic physicians, and physical therapists.
  4. Research or evidence-based curriculum: According to the Massage Therapy Foundation, massage therapists should have the necessary skills and knowledge to assess the available research and make effective clinical decisions. This can only be possible by choosing a Seattle massage school that has developed its curriculum around both theories and practices that are evidence-based. Additionally, the institution you choose should also utilize different classroom assessments.

More and more patients and physicians are realizing that medically based massage isn’t just an alternative treatment but a necessary one. What’s more, many insurance companies are now paying for medically modeled massages that have been prescribed by doctors for different ailments such as falls, work-related injuries, sports activities, auto accident injuries, and diseases.

Consider a Second Career in Massage Therapy

Psychologists agree that loving what you do is necessary to achieve job satisfaction. Therefore, if your current job is very demanding, you should consider a career change. Among all health care careers, the U.S. News has ranked massage therapist as the fourth best in terms of job prospects, salary, and work-life balance. Follow the above tips to find the best Seattle massage therapy schools. If you have any questions, visit Northwest Academy or call a helpful academic adviser at 206-932-5950 today.

Massage Therapy and Cardiovascular Health

Massage Therapy and Cardiovascular Health

Massage and Cardiovascular Health

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 1 in every 4 American deaths is directly related to heart disease. Conditions like coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy, and other cardiovascular ailments kill over 600,000 people each year.

Massage therapy offers clients with cardiovascular issues many benefits that can help them improve their cardiovascular health and reduce their risk of stroke and heart attack.

What Contributes to Cardiovascular Disease?

There are three major factors that contribute to the development of heart disease.

  1. Congenital Conditions

These conditions are caused by structural abnormalities present at the time of birth.

  1. Viral infections

Myocarditis is damage to the heart due to certain viruses.

  1. Lifestyle Choices

Daily habits are currently the biggest contributor to heart disease.

  • Smoking
  • Poor diet
  • Lack of exercise
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Chronic stress

How Stress and Pain Affect the Heart

When a person experiences a painful or stressful event, the brain releases the hormones cortisol and adrenaline. These chemicals prepare the body to fight or run away from dangerous situations. The body responds by tensing muscles, shortening the breath, and increasing the heart rate.

This response, however, is only supposed to be short-term. Too much of these hormones can fatigue the body, especially the cardiovascular system. Without relief, long-term stress or chronic pain will weaken the heart muscle. Combined with less-than-healthy lifestyle choices, these factors can lead to heart disease.

How Massage Supports Cardiovascular Health

Massage therapy helps patients with cardiac issues address some of the factors that may be contributing to their condition. In conjunction with doctor-prescribed protocols, massage also helps patients manage some of the side effects of treatment.

  • Induce states of physical and mental relaxation, which can help alleviate the effects of chronic stress and anxiety on the whole body.
  • Loosen tight muscles and increase blood flow, which improves overall circulation and decreases the chances of stroke-causing clots.
  • Alleviate chronic pain, which helps interrupt the brain’s “fight or flight” response.
  • Reduce anxiety before or after surgical procedures.

Some common side effects from traditional drug therapies used to treat heart disease can be treated effectively with massage.

  • Abdominal pain
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches


While massage is generally safe and effective, there are some cautions to keep in mind when working with cardiac patients.

  • Those on blood thinning drugs should avoid vigorous or deep tissue techniques, as these can cause bruising, inflammation, or tissue damage.
  • Massage is not recommended for those with low blood pressure.
  • Patients with a history of blood clots should avoid Swedish techniques.
  • Therapists should avoid manipulating the area around pacemakers, stents, or other implanted devices.
  • Patients with signs of congestive heart failure should start with short massages, and slowly work up to longer sessions, as tolerated.

Recent studies also who that consistent massage therapy can reduce blood pressure and heart rate. High blood pressure and rate are major factors in heart attack risk.

Patients who combine traditional medical treatments with massage techniques experience an increase in energy, physical relaxation, and mental focus. This can help them recover faster from surgical procedures, or avoid major cardiovascular events.

Evaluating Massage School Cost

Evaluating Massage School Cost

Seattle massage school instructor

When evaluating massage school cost at a leading massage school or any college, you may calculate the costs of college through the typical “Room & Board” or “Per Credit Hour” cost advertised by colleges throughout America. However, a bulk of your massage school costs may not often be associated with the advertised price of your massage school education. Massage school, like life, can add up in many ways unseen, unexpected, and sadly, unplanned for. Knowing what the costs can be and strategizing how to limit them are vital skills any college student can and should learn.

What Are Some Examples of Hidden Costs Not Advertised in the Price of a Massage School Education?

  • If you ever get in a bind financially and you have to use a credit card for your school fees, the interest payments are added costs. They could range from 3% – 30%. You could be paying for an extra semester or two alone just in interest payments.
  • Some colleges and universities charge extra fees for extra services. Find out if your massage school has any added-on fees for services that you want or need. These could include health center fees, athletic center fees, student activity fees, graduation fees, academic transcript fees, etc.
  • Books and media can be one of the largest added costs. There will be required texts, but you will also have recommended texts that are used to enhance your knowledge of the material.
  • Technology can be as pricey as you want or need it to be. Do you need a new desktop, laptop or tablet? Do you need a more advanced phone? Do you need to purchase a software package such as Microsoft Office?
  • If you drive a long distance to massage school, gas, tolls, auto insurance, general wear and tear on the automobile, and parking can all add up.
  • It’s no surprise to anyone who has lived life in a dormitory that the staples of the college cuisine are ramen noodles, microwave popcorn, and pizza. If you buy one pizza per week, it can add up to $2000 in pizza costs over a four-year education.
  • Outfitting a apartment or dorm room can be expensive when you add up the costs of televisions, bedding, cable or satellite fees, lamps, linens, posters, waste baskets, toiletries, hygiene, bulletin boards, and the rest.

How Can You Save Money and Still Get a Great Massage School Education?

  • Go local! – One of the major ways you can save on any school is to attend a school in your area. Not only are toy helping the local economy, but you can save on full-time parking costs, dormitory costs, eating on campus, eating out daily, laundry service, mailing expenses, etc. Going local may be the best way to save the most money on college expenses.
  • You may be able to rent or trade texts on campus or online, depending on the course, your region, and the site. Trading, borrowing, or buying used may be the way to save hundreds of dollars on books.
  • Take advantage of student discounts such as specials on computers, software packages, and other technologies.

It has been estimated that students spend $250 to $500 per month on costs not directly associated with the advertised price of the school. Staying local can not only assist you in saving money, it can also help you stay focused. Being away from home for an extended period of time can be hard on the psyche and the emotions, as well as time consuming dealing with the everyday demands of dormitory life. Staying local can be a key factor in maintaining a focus that will make you a success.

Benefits of Small Group Instruction

Benefits of Small Group Instruction

Small Group Massage School

When selecting which massage school to attend, many people do not think to ask about the program’s class sizes. Research has shown repeatedly the benefits of smaller class sizes in the primary and secondary grades. These benefits can be seen in licensing programs as well, especially in hands-on programs, such as massage therapy. Students receive many advantages from attending a massage school which recognizes the importance of smaller class sizes.

Individualized Instruction

Every student learns a little bit differently than their peers. When there are fewer students in the classroom, it is only logical that the teacher will have more time to devote to providing individualized instruction to each student. This valuable one-on-one teaching time allows the massage school instructor to observe and correct each student’s technique before bad habits can be formed. This is so important in massage therapy, as poor techniques can cause injury to the patient or therapist.

Increased Confidence

Studies have shown that students in smaller classes tend to be more knowledgeable and perform better on standardized assessments than those enrolled in larger classes. This leads to increased confidence for these students, a very important and desirable attribute for anyone who is just getting started in a new professional career.

If you are interested in becoming a message therapist and would benefit from studying in a smaller class setting, contact Northwest Academy by calling 206-932-5950. Our massage school offers the smallest class sizes in the Pacific Northwest, so you always get the individualized attention you deserve.