When evaluating massage school cost at a leading massage school or any college, you may calculate the costs of college through the typical “Room & Board” or “Per Credit Hour” cost advertised by colleges throughout America. However, a bulk of your massage school costs may not often be associated with the advertised price of your massage school education. Massage school, like life, can add up in many ways unseen, unexpected, and sadly, unplanned for. Knowing what the costs can be and strategizing how to limit them are vital skills any college student can and should learn.
What Are Some Examples of Hidden Costs Not Advertised in the Price of a Massage School Education?
- If you ever get in a bind financially and you have to use a credit card for your school fees, the interest payments are added costs. They could range from 3% – 30%. You could be paying for an extra semester or two alone just in interest payments.
- Some colleges and universities charge extra fees for extra services. Find out if your massage school has any added-on fees for services that you want or need. These could include health center fees, athletic center fees, student activity fees, graduation fees, academic transcript fees, etc.
- Books and media can be one of the largest added costs. There will be required texts, but you will also have recommended texts that are used to enhance your knowledge of the material.
- Technology can be as pricey as you want or need it to be. Do you need a new desktop, laptop or tablet? Do you need a more advanced phone? Do you need to purchase a software package such as Microsoft Office?
- If you drive a long distance to massage school, gas, tolls, auto insurance, general wear and tear on the automobile, and parking can all add up.
- It’s no surprise to anyone who has lived life in a dormitory that the staples of the college cuisine are ramen noodles, microwave popcorn, and pizza. If you buy one pizza per week, it can add up to $2000 in pizza costs over a four-year education.
- Outfitting a apartment or dorm room can be expensive when you add up the costs of televisions, bedding, cable or satellite fees, lamps, linens, posters, waste baskets, toiletries, hygiene, bulletin boards, and the rest.
How Can You Save Money and Still Get a Great Massage School Education?
- Go local! – One of the major ways you can save on any school is to attend a school in your area. Not only are toy helping the local economy, but you can save on full-time parking costs, dormitory costs, eating on campus, eating out daily, laundry service, mailing expenses, etc. Going local may be the best way to save the most money on college expenses.
- You may be able to rent or trade texts on campus or online, depending on the course, your region, and the site. Trading, borrowing, or buying used may be the way to save hundreds of dollars on books.
- Take advantage of student discounts such as specials on computers, software packages, and other technologies.
It has been estimated that students spend $250 to $500 per month on costs not directly associated with the advertised price of the school. Staying local can not only assist you in saving money, it can also help you stay focused. Being away from home for an extended period of time can be hard on the psyche and the emotions, as well as time consuming dealing with the everyday demands of dormitory life. Staying local can be a key factor in maintaining a focus that will make you a success.

Benefits of Small Group Instruction
When selecting which massage school to attend, many people do not think to ask about the program’s class sizes. Research has shown repeatedly the benefits of smaller class sizes in the primary and secondary grades. These benefits can be seen in licensing programs as well, especially in hands-on programs, such as massage therapy. Students receive many advantages from attending a massage school which recognizes the importance of smaller class sizes.
Individualized Instruction
Every student learns a little bit differently than their peers. When there are fewer students in the classroom, it is only logical that the teacher will have more time to devote to providing individualized instruction to each student. This valuable one-on-one teaching time allows the massage school instructor to observe and correct each student’s technique before bad habits can be formed. This is so important in massage therapy, as poor techniques can cause injury to the patient or therapist.
Increased Confidence
Studies have shown that students in smaller classes tend to be more knowledgeable and perform better on standardized assessments than those enrolled in larger classes. This leads to increased confidence for these students, a very important and desirable attribute for anyone who is just getting started in a new professional career.
If you are interested in becoming a message therapist and would benefit from studying in a smaller class setting, contact Northwest Academy by calling 206-932-5950. Our massage school offers the smallest class sizes in the Pacific Northwest, so you always get the individualized attention you deserve.
Hands on Learning in Massage School: Training the Brain Through Touch
Have you been looking for a career where you can work independently and make a good living – as well as help people feel their best? If the answer is yes, then attending a massage school may lead you to the career you will be proud of.
Learning styles in massage school
What is your learning style? Do you do best in a classroom setting where the instructor gives lectures? Do you learn best by using charts, videos or other visuals? Or, are you able to retain more information if you are participating in activities that help the information to sink in?
- Lecture
- Visual
- Kinesthetic (hands-on)
Do your eyes glaze over and your mind wanders during long lectures? If the answer to that is yes, you aren’t alone. You try to pay attention, but once the lecture is over you realize you haven’t retained what you should have. A large majority of classrooms use the lecture-based type of teaching.
While some lecture in the classroom is necessary, studies have shown that during a lecture, the instructor usually says about 100-200 words a minute. Out of these, the typical student hears only about half. Add a wandering mind to the equation, and comprehension during lectures is an ineffective way to teach – and to learn.
Visual learner
If you learn best by using visual aides, you probably have found methods that help you organize and retain information. There are many great visual learning tools used in massage therapy school. Anatomy charts, muscle maps and models compliment a student that does best with a visual learning style.
Kinesthetic learner
Many people learn best when they are engaged in activities – watching and performing the task that is being taught. Those who prefer the kinesthetic learning style may find it difficult to sit through a lecture, and retain very little of what is shared.
Kinesthetic learners like to get in and do it! If this physical and hands-on style of learning is more like you, you may find massage therapy school right up your alley. Since massage therapy is a hands-on field of study, most students who are interested in massage school are kinesthetic learners. When you attend a massage therapy school, you will experience a lot of hands-on activity – both by learning to do massage, and by receiving massages from your fellow massage therapy school students.
Massage school typically integrates all of the learning styles in ways that will lead you to a successful career in massage therapy.
Click Here: For more information about learning styles used at seattle massage schools
5 Benefits of Paying for Massage School with a Student Loan
The choice to invest in your future by attending massage school is both smart and realistic. The massage therapy industry is thriving and massage schools are popping up seemingly overnight. Student loan providers are essentially tripping over each other to fund dedicated students, offer them special rates and repayment plans. Add to these ideal conditions a favorable job outlook for massage therapists and you have every reason to finally pull the trigger on this dream career.
Why Pay for Massage School with a Student Loan?
Paying for higher education can often be more stressful than the coursework. This rings especially true for massage school, which many students tend to enjoy. Student loans can end the daunting cycle of working to pay for your education so you can then land a decent job. This economic opportunity is even more desirable considering the state of the massage therapy industry.
- Enroll Immediately if you are accepted for one of the many available student loans. Don’t stress over saving the money to go to massage school when you could enroll as early as the next available semester. Applications for many student loans are available online and most of the companies are more than happy to help you with the process.
- Subsidized Payments allow you to comfortably complete your classes without the worry of having to immediately pay back your loan. With a subsidized loan you do not have to begin repaying the balance until six months after you finish classes.
- Competitive Lenders are vying to facilitate your way through massage school. Because of this healthy market you may be eligible for subsidized loans and different kinds of structured repayment plans. Many student loan companies offer tailored repayment plans that take your financial situation into consideration.
- A Booming Industry is what you’re heading into. Now more than ever the benefits of massage therapy on your health is being widely accepted and cultivated. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that between the years of 2012 to 2022 the massage therapy industry will experience a 23% growth in jobs. It will not be difficult for you to find work as a therapist immediately after graduating massage school and begin paying off your loans.
- Respectable Pay for massage therapists is rising slowly but steadily. The BLS reports that in 2012 the median for massage therapists was $35,970 per year or $17.29 per hour. The profusion of entry level positions partly accounts for this number, however, the possibilities for entrepreneurship in the field enhance the financial possibilities within the industry.
The time to capitalize on student loans and finance your way through massage school is now. Positions for skilled massage therapists are abundant, and the student loan market is ready willing and able to fund your endeavor into this industry. Your next step: pick a massage school that is right for you and research student loan providers.
Click Here: For more information about our student loan options.
Benefits of Small Class Sizes in Massage School
Becoming one of the best massage therapists starts with taking massage therapy classes that provides hands on experiences that help you learn and grow. In fact, some of the best classes to join too receive your massage therapy education are ones that are small in size, and here we will discuss why this size is best while in massage school.
Students are able to Excel Faster
Smaller class sizes allow students to have more one on one time with their instructors and more hands on experiences to help them excel faster in their profession of choice. The more experiences you as a student can have when learning a particular trade the better you will become at the profession of choice, which will allow not just some doors of opportunity to open up for you career wise, but many. The better therapist you become the better income you will have when you are out in the world using your expertise to help provide services to others.
Helps Boosts Self-Confidence
Being in a smaller class of students in massage school also forces you to be more involved in projects and helps you develop the proper skills necessary for being the best massage therapist you can be, which in the long run helps you boost your self-confidence. Anytime your self-confidence is being boosted, the more eager you are to want to learn even more and fine-tune your skills.
Allows Students to Strengthen Weak Areas
When learning a new profession such as massage you will run into strengths and weaknesses. The wonderful thing about smaller classes is teachers tend to notice the areas you are struggling in sooner than later. This allows the teacher to help you strengthen your weakened areas through different teaching techniques with one on one time before, during or after massage school hours so you can be the best you need to be in your profession of choice once you graduate from massage school.
Fewer Distractions in the Classroom
Sometimes with larger class sizes, distractions can happen that take away from your learning experiences going on within the classroom. Joining smaller classes allows you to stay focused and learn all that you possible learn from the information being taught in massage school. After all, you are there in massage school to receive the best education possible so you can go out into the world and put your newly developed skills and education to use helping and serving others in need of your expertise.
Bottom Line for Massage School
As you can see the benefits of receiving an education in a smaller classroom of students is outstanding. You want to leave massage school feeling confident and well educated in all areas necessary to be the best massage therapist you can be for healing people through physical touch, which is one of the best alternative medicines out there.
Click Here: To see who has the smallest classe sizes in Seattle and the Northwest.