Ever felt low on energy? Or remain tired after a full nights sleep? Ayurvedic Massage may have the key to unlock your inner energy stores. This month I’m exploring the power of this ancient practice, it’s benefits and why you’d want to incorporate it into your massage treatments.
Happy Summer everyone and many blessings!
By Alexa Severtsen, LMP
The word Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term meaning
“the complete knowledge for long life”. (1) What a great concept, taking the time to learn how to extend our lives!
Part of extending our life, according to Ayurveda, is managing that bridge between body, mind and spirit. Doing so means we have to address those subtle energetic imbalances in the body that can’t be seen or touched.
Ayurvedic treatments are designed to address energetic imbalances brought on by external stress. Often times these external pressures don’t manifest into palpable injuries, but can have a negative effect on our emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being. The purpose of Ayurveda is to “address the individual person bringing him or her back to their unique state or balance” (2). During treatments, clients are given the opportunity to release old negative thought patterns and feelings. The release of this negative energy gives individuals the ability to let go of their past, growing into a bigger and brighter future.
A typical treatment from an Ayurvedic practitioner may include herbal infused oils, herbal steam baths, salt scrubs, and color therapy for Chakra Balancing among other things to, strengthen those areas which are depleted leaving the client feeling re-energized and balanced.
Although you’ll need to go through schooling to become a true Ayurvedic practitioner, taking continuing education classes for basic Ayurvedic techniques gives your practice a unique approach that clients will seek. Northwest Academy for the Healing Arts offers Continuing Education Courses in Ayurvedic Massage throughout the year. Taught by Christopher Sean Rice L.M.P. from Wild Sun Therapeutics and Bethanie Sand L.M.P. from Life in Balance. These classes are always in popular demand, which can be testament to the demand for energetic healing.
For more information about our continuing education class check out our website at: www.nw-academy.com
1) Ayurveda. (n.d.) Retrieved June 14, 2011 from the Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayurveda

12-month weekend massage therapy program
June 25, 2011
7-month weekday morning & evening massage therapy programs
September 6, 2011
To apply please contact our admissions department at #206-932-5950.
We look forward to meeting you!