Most people you ask will generally regard getting a massage as a positive experience. Granted, there are a couple of folks that can’t get over the hurdle of accepting a stranger touching them. Fortunately for those seeking a career in massage therapy, there are fewer people like that and more who are falling over themselves to get another minute on the table. Once you investigate a bit below the surface, at an anatomical level, there are many distinct benefits to receiving massage therapy treatments.
Continue ReadingHow to Succeed in Massage School – Step by Step
If you’re considering going to school to become a massage therapist, you may be as excited as you are worried. Whether massage therapy would be your first experience in a full-time job or a career change after already being in the workplace, going to school for a new skill and profession can be daunting. But it doesn’t have to be! With a little information on your side, you can feel comfortable and even enthusiastic…
Continue ReadingTaking Your Massage Therapy Career on the Road
If you’re thinking about career options, you probably have a list of qualities you’d like in a future job, and chances are good that job flexibility is at the top of your list! What’s better than a career that allows you to work in places you’ve always wanted to visit, that lets you choose from among numerous industries? You may not think of massage therapy as a career that involves much travel, but a career in massage not only allows you to work almost anywhere as a licensed therapist, but also qualifies you to work at resorts, on cruise ships, and in other parts of the travel industry to help vacationers enjoy their stay in the world’s most beautiful locations.
Continue ReadingWhich Massage to Choose: Massage Types and Techniques
Every person on this planet could benefit from receiving a massage. It’s true! Even for our nimble athletes, the rigors of training push their muscles to the limits. To heal up quicker, massage can do the trick. But more than our athletes, our pregnant mothers, our injured grandmother, those with constant stress, and those looking to maintain their aging bodies long into the golden years. Massage helps people…
Continue ReadingAnatomy of a Massage Session
Just as the human body has a very specific anatomy that only varies slightly from individual body to the next, so does a massage session. If you are going to become a massage therapist, you might be wondering what the various necessary components are to most standard massage sessions.
Continue ReadingMassage Therapy Career Outlook
8 Tips to Ensure a Successful Massage Career
A massage career is rewarding if you enjoy helping people. As a massage therapist you work closely with patients to relieve stress and pain in muscles, bones and joints. You will work with clients of all sizes, shapes and in different physical conditions. Your knowledge, technical skills and ultimately your touch can help them heal.
Continue ReadingMarketing DOs and DON’Ts for Your Massage Practice
When you’re ready to launch your own massage therapy practice, it won’t matter how skilled, confident, and professional you are if no one knows you exist, where you’re located, what services you provide, or when you’re open! To reap the benefits of your hard work in massage school and celebrate the opening of your practice, there are several marketing DOs and DON’Ts you’ll want to follow.
Continue Reading8 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress
The biggest irony of the holiday season is that it invariably causes a lot of people a great deal of stress. The exact source of a given person’s yuletide tension can vary indefinitely, but three major circumstances are regular culprits: gift shopping, economic situation and family problems. Luckily, there exists a tried and tested list of easy ways to reduce holiday stress. These simple self-care practices work wonders for almost any source of holiday tension, also, mixing and matching them could prove to turn you into a walking source of calm and positivity.
Continue Reading8 Reasons Massage School is Worth the Financial Investment
Becoming a massage therapist is a wonderful path to follow. It is a skill you can carry with you anywhere you go. Here are 8 reasons why attending massage school is worth the financial investment.
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