The Big Question: Should I Attend Massage School

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The positives and the negatives shouldshould I attend massage school be considered when applying for any type of school, massage therapy being one of them. Although massage has been around for hundreds years, it is becoming more available and more popular. 

The positive aspects of massage therapy seem to take precedence in this career. From client interactions, making your own hours, to massage business related advancements, massage therapy is a great career. Your clients can create their own experience by asking for a specific massage. The more you learn, the more versatile you can be which will make you more profitable. You will be able to work from home, go to your client’s home, or work in a plethora of locations designed for either medical or relaxation massages.

The negatives side to becoming a massage therapist is it may be physically challenging. Although most schools will teach body mechanics to prevent injury. If you already have a wrist injury or any form of carpal tunnel syndrome, this career path may be more difficult for you in the long term. 

Most of the aspects of becoming a massage therapist are positive ones. There is always room for advancement and there is always a job opening. It would be a great idea to visit the massage schools you would like to attend first, before enrolling. You would want to ask questions regarding program hours, structure, advanced career and job placements, and tuition. Once you’ve narrowed down your massage therapy school, and you have decided that this is the field for you, go for it. You can never go wrong having a licensed career trade in any economy.

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