When making the decision to attend massage school you may be wondering, “Will I be a good Massage Therapist?” The question is valid; certainly everyone who attends massage schools or programs has queried themselves on their ability to do well in their chosen profession. The last thing anyone wants is to pay money and spend time learning a skill only to find they have no aptitude or desire to pursue a career in it. So, how do you know you’d do well as a massage therapist BEFORE looking into massage schools?
The answer is to look into yourself first. A good massage therapist has empathy and compassion as inherent personality traits. If you like making someone feel better and are always looking for ways to help others, you can be sure that massage therapy will be a good career choice. A fascination with the body and how it works is a good sign that you will enjoy massage therapy. A desire to work on your own terms with the flexibility to have your own business either now or in the future is also a sign that you will do well in a Massage Therapy career.
Massage schools will give you the training to become a skilled therapist and teach you the technical aspects of your craft. Your own passion for giving, healing and personal touch will elevate you to the top of your field.
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